Friday, December 14, 2012

On The 5th Day of Christmas...

Can you believe that Christmas is just over a week away? Holy Christmas Angels!! I really have to find some time to get some shopping done! By the way, if any of you are done shopping already I don't want to hear about it in the comments section. That is, unless you're offereing up your help to get mine done.

So it's Friday and we've blown through the week already. I hope you all found some time to enjoy and/or spread a little Christmas cheer over the past 5 days. On this final day of the week I would like to turn to all of you. What are some of your traditions? What "Christmasy" things have you done to get into, or stay in, the Spirit of the season? If you've been reading throughout the week you've learned a few of mine and if you keep reading next week you're sure to learn more but I'm tired of talking about me (shocking right? Christmas miracles never cease).

 I want to know what all of you do. Bake cookies, go look at Christmas lights, cut down your own Christmas tree, whatever it is share it in the comments section of this post.

Now, I realize there is a chance this can all backfire. I have noticed that the readership has diminished as the week has gone on so it's entirely possible that you're all too busy to share something but that's why I chose Friday. You have a full 3 days to stumble back to this blog and add a comment. Don't be a Grinch, share with your fellow citizens of Whoville!

By the way, if you're still struggling to get in the Christmas mood maybe you can put up some Christmas lights this weekend. Here's a picture of a very simple project to give you some inspiration:

Merry Christmas and happy Friday everybody.


  1. Well, I like to look at Christmas lights, listen to Christmas music, drink hot chocolate and continue to work on the present list that only grows because I haven't bought anything yet. Anyway, Jack reminds me to enjoy the little things and be excited when I plug in the lights around the house. That is how I stay in the mood.

  2. I bake and bake and wrap and buy and cook and wrap some more. I make all my cards and mail them early and of course, I listen to Christmas music all day, every day and cry every time I hear "Oh Holy Night!" To me, the best Christmas song every recorded. Well, either that or "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer." You pick!

  3. Let's see...we always bake cookies and have a cookie decorating's rigged though, cause I never win...and mine are the prettiest ;)
    In the last few years my family started a fun tradition of having a Nerf War on Christmas Eve. We go to the Christmas Eve service together, then go home and shoot each other for about 30 minutes. It's will probably be even more fun when we have kids someday...but for now, a house full of adults shooting each other with Nerf darts is pretty entertaining. :)
