It's highly unlikely that if you know about this blog that you don't already know plenty about me. So I'm not sure there's anything I can really tell you that you probably haven't already figured out. However, there is that off chance that one of my friends or family has suggested you check this out and in that case it might be beneficial for me to let you know a little about myself. Or maybe it will be incredibly detrimental. Only time will tell.
Anyway, first things first. God is the most important thing in my life above all else. That may be enough to turn some of you off immediately and if that's the case, well, that's unfortunate because it means you've either had a really bad experience with Christianity and you will automatically tune out anything a "so-called" Christian might have to say or maybe you think it's all a bunch of mumbo jumbo that only simple-minded folk believe in. If either of those are even a little accurate I hope that you'll stick around long enough to take an open minded look at what being a Christian really means.
Second of all, after God, there's an incredibly long, convoluted list of things that I'm really into (tea, books, my family and friends), that describe me (skinny, sometimes witty, sometimes annoying, oftentimes hungry), that I admire (my wife, CS Lewis, great photography, bacon), and that I dislike (pepsi, stubbing my toe, when a light rain is considered a "Weather Event!!" on the local news).
Thirdly, the above mentioned things don't really tell you much... however my hope is that over time the postings, whether they be a one-liner, a photograph, a quote, a story or anything else, will occasionally brighten your day. Will challenge you to rethink your idea of faith and God. Will provide an outlet. Will simply make you smile. Will turn out not to be a total waste of your time. If I can pull any of that off then that will be pretty cool.
And I guess that really tells you something about me.