Anyway, as I was sitting in my living room sipping a cup of tea listening to Christmas music and trying to come up with my next entry I had one of those eureka moments. Actually that's not true. It was more like one of those, "where are my keys!" only to find out they're in your hand, kind of moments. I'm sitting here racking my brain...while listening to Christmas music!!
Put up some music you cotton headed ninny-muggins!
What says "Christmas" more than Christmas music? Uhhh, nothin', that's what. Of course putting up music on your blog is easier said than done. See, I just said it and as you can see there is no music at the end of this sentence.
Originally I wanted to link to a couple of my Spotify playlists which total about 15 hours of music but in order to do that everybody would have to have Spotify and would have to click on a bunch of links, blah, blah, blah. If I've learned anything about people it is that if there are more than 2 links you can pretty much forget about them getting to the finish. This whole Internet fad is really destroying our attention...oooh look Christmas lights!!
Where was I? Oh yeah, Christmas music. So I found a YouTube clip that has about 44 minutes of music and most of the songs are pretty good. Obviously the down side to this is the fact that if you are in to Christmas like me you already have found all the Christmas music you'll need to get through the season but it is what it is. It's the thought that counts.
Without further ado (I just wanted to use "ado" in a post) here's a link to bushel full of tunes that you can listen to if you, for some strange reason, don't have access to any Christmas jingles.
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear!