Thursday, December 13, 2012

Merry Day 4!

Here we are at day 4, it seems like just yesterday it was day 3. How time flies...

Today's installment is going to be brief for two reasons. One the video below is about 5 minutes long and two, it's been a busy few days and I'm a bit short on time.

A quick intro to the video. It's one of those Christmas flash mob clips which I'm sure many of you have seen at one time or another and, like most of those clips I've seen, it's really moving. I posted one last year that was shot in Macy's and included hundreds of people singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Like that one, this one is incredibly heart-warming in my opinion. I can't think of a better scene than a group of people publicly singing about the Lord and Savior. You know, the real reason for the season. Christmas movies, Christmas music and even Christmas smells are all great but ultimately it's about the birth of the One true Savior of the world. On the surface all religions seem to point to the same conclusion but only Christianity is about what God, through Jesus, does to offer salvation to us VS what man can do to earn salvation, which is the focus of every other religion. That's actually a pretty big difference.

Anyway, I hope you take the time to watch the video below. I admit that it brought a little tear to my eye hearing the lyrics. Special shout out to my mom for passing this one along and to our family friend Neil Sheehy who passed it on to her.


  1. so cool! I love that everyone literally fell to their beautiful! thanks for sharing!

  2. I totally agree. I think that was my favorite part!

  3. It's amazing and it still makes me cry.
