Friday, September 28, 2012

You Call That A Recap?

This morning I realized that I've reached the one year anniversary of my blog. Let's do a quick recap and see what's happened in the last year on Pencil and Paper!

Ok, let's see here. Looks like I have written a total of 12 posts. Huh... Well, um, that's not quite the volume I anticipated when I started this thing a year ago. I was thinking at least 1 a week. So at a minimum I'm supposed to be at 52 posts at this point.

Let's do a little quick math...carry the one...divide by the square root of an isosceles triangle...hit the calculate button...aaaand? It appears I need to write 40 posts today to get back on track. Holy smokes! Hmm, maybe I need to change my output goals for the next year.

What else do we have here. I see I now have 12 followers. One for every post!! It appears my blog growth more closely matches that have a stalactite (you know because they're, like, really slow growing and stuff).

I guess there are a lot of reasons why there are only 12 of you but I think I'll go ahead and blame the economy. It seems to take the blame for pretty much everything so I'm sure it had an impact on my blog growth this year as well. That and climate change. Those pesky chlorofluorocarbons. Somebody should really do something about those.

Sheesh, that was a pretty quick recap. Now what?

Wait, that's actually a pretty good question. Now what? I'm asking you. All 12 of you. Now what? What do you want to hear about? Maybe that's how I increase my output. Let the people decide!

Of course this means that in another year if I'm sitting at 24 posts I'm just going to blame the 12 of you (or 24 of you if the pattern stays consistent!)

Is there something you want to know? Is there something you want me to write about? I don't care what the topic is, I'll take a crack at it.

My goal a year ago was to entertain, inspire and/or inform. I'm not sure if I've done much of any of that but I'm willing to try it for another year. So, if you have a topic you want me to dive into, a story you want me to tell, something you just want to know more about, let me know. I'll take a swing at it.

Man, I hope this doesn't backfire...


  1. OK I am spending way to much time trying to figure out how to maneuver around this computer, I did succeed in becoming a member of your elite group of followers although I have been following your blog for the last year I couldn't figure out how to add a comment, we will see if it works now. You can always talk about how it feels to have a son who looks so much like you, or do you not see the resemblance. Either way keep it up. I am reading.

  2. Well being one of the 12 disciples... I mean followers...I hope that you continue writing. I would like to read whatever it is that you want to write. :) Not much help eh?
    Blogging can be one of two can be a collaboration of posts written to make someone laugh, cry, cringe...but ultimately please the reader. Or it can be for write what you like, what makes you laugh,, cry (or not), or cringe. And personally, because I count you as a close friend, I think I have the experience to say that when you talk / write about what you want, the other happens anyways. I laugh or cry or cringe every time I read :)
    (oh and if you need some inspiration for funny posts I bet there is a cute little kid with all klnds of energy running around your house that you could write about :)

    Ok I'll stop now!
    Courtney :)

  3. PS you've already gained 2 more readers since this post! Whoot!!
